Home / Insurance for events Insurance for events

Started by Martine, November 09, 2015, 01:14:20 PM

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We have had some success getting our Local Authority



I think all the UK RCs need to be talking to each other about public liability insurance as a rather fragmented approach is allowing ill-informed underwriters and brokers to dream up high risk scenarios and high premiums!
Our own 2-years experience based risk assessment shows us that properly run RCs are low to no risk activities. So, we currently use the host venues public liability insurance combined with disclaimers and self-insuring. However, we feel the insurance issue can be a disincentive to new RCs and is something that ought to be resolved sooner rather than later.
If you, or any other interested party, would like to contact me about this on 01684 438539/07751 818088 or email:
themalvernhillsrepaircafe@gmail.com I


I shall be bringing up the subject of insurance at the Repair Cafe Conference on Thursday (12 March 2020)

I agree that getting insurance is currently an issue and one that needs a consolidated approach.
