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Public Insurance

Started by captainfuzzyface, February 16, 2020, 07:49:12 PM

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Do other UK Repair Cafes organise their own public insurances? At the moment, we are covered by the venues that we work at but we would like to have our own so that we can hold pop-up events and work at other venues.


We use Mid Cornwall Insurance Brokers ( Kirk Razzell) who provide us with Public Liability Insurance, product liability and employee liability. Tried loads of other companies.  Ansvar has been suggested for groups of RCs. Farnham uses Zurich but they no longer insure RCs. MCIB is remarkably helpful and insure lots of RCs. 


Naturesave insurance do a lot of UK repair cafe insurances.


Have things improved on the insurance front since we last posted here? We pay £250pa for the Repair Cafe recommended insurance. Can we do better?